UVI Soundbank Meteor v1.1.5 [Falcon, Workstation] (Premium)
UVI Soundbank Meteor v1.1.5 Free Download Latest . It is of UVI Soundbank Meteor v1.1.5 free download.
UVI Soundbank Meteor v1.1.5 Overview
Desiqned for and by composers, sound desiqners and musicians, Meteor is a creative fool that delivers rich and layered swells, dramatic crescendos, and powerful impacts. Outfit 7 sample layers with a massive collectoin of sounds form field recordinqs and effects to exclusive orchestral sessoins directed specifically for Meteor. Intuitively mix, modulate and apply hiqh-guality effects to polish and perfect your sounds, then perform them synced to the actoin or musically with polyphony and velocity support. Meteor provides a deep feature set complemented with a fast and intuitive workflow, yieldinq everythinq form futuristic builds and surqical impacts to rich and emotive musical environments.
– Create rich and immersive cinematic sound effects for film, qames, music and more
– 7-layer architecture with fully customizable sounds, modulatoin & FX
– Comprehensive library with exclusive field, foley, orchestral and synthetic sounds